If you or someone you know needs mental help, call the Local Crisis Hotline at (915) 779-1800
Mental Health
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenging environment for Americans and has negatively affected many people’s mental health.
During these uncertain times, The City of El Paso encourages El Pasoans to use these resources if you are in a mental health crisis.
- Emergence Health Network
- NAMI El Paso
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Crisis Text Line
- El Paso Child Guidance Center
- Project Vida Health Center telehealth
Statewide COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at (833) 986-1919.
Virtual Relaxation Room
The Virtual Relaxation Room for the Crisis Counseling Program is meant to help stimulate and relax your senses.
We encourage you to take a moment and look around, try somethings out, and share these resources with anyone whom you think might benefit from them.
Visit EmergenceHealthNetwork.org for more information.
Crisis Counseling Program
The Crisis Counseling Program (CPC) is a valuable community resource for those affected by a disaster such as the COVID-19 pandemic. CCP services, through the Texans Recovering Together initiative include free supportive crisis counseling provided by mental health professional through the state of Texas.
In El Paso, these calls are handled by trained CCP counselors at Emergence Health Network.
Help is available. Give is a call at (915) 779-1800 if you’ve experienced:
- Anxiety
- Loss of sleep or appetitive
- Stress
- Grief
- Irritability
- Hopelessness
- Family conflict
- Lack of security
- Fears about the future
- Sense of loss or control and ability to protect yourself and your family
Over time, stress can take its toll and develop into more negative reactions. Don’t wait, call (915) 779-1800 to get help today.